"Two beasts, one throne..."
Meet the Team

Co-founder / Editor
Aaron Farrell
Aaron FATALITY Farrell is a writing/ fighting/ joking/ toking/ sit-down Stand-up (punchline: writer) of societal blasphemy, human-mythology and weaponised words across all verses. If Rap ever birthed a white-boy-bastard and historical hype-man who worshipped its music as poetry prior to reading poems, it would be FATALITY. The only rule he didn’t innately rebel against was to be truthful. His reading requires gumshields for the meek, fist-bumps from the Geek, and belief in love and chaos.
ArtBeat: The Ekphrastic Spastic (Amazon, 05/20)
The Lost and Found (Amazon, 08/20)
The Man Who Told The World (Atomic Bohemian, 08/23)

Co-founder / Editor
Briony Collins
Briony Collins is a widely published writer from North Wales and winner of the 2016 Exeter Novel Prize. She co-founded and runs Cape and the press Atomic Bohemian. Briony is currently working on her PhD and lecturing in English Literature and Linguistics.
Blame it on Me (Broken Sleep, 08/21)
All That Glisters (Broken Sleep, 03/22)
Whisper Network (with Caleb Nichols, 03/23)
The Birds, The Rabbits, The Trees (Broken Sleep, 04/23)
cactus land (Atomic Bohemian, 07/23)
Debut novel coming with Barnard Publishing